Millcroft Inn & Spa’s Roasted Lamb Rump

Millcroft Inn & Spa's Roasted Lamb Rump Recipe

Indulge in the flavors of Easter with our Roasted Lamb Rump accompanied by tender fennel purée and sweet beets. Executive Chef Petitjean’s favorite cut, lamb rump offers a tenderness and rich flavor. Roasted fennel unveils a delightful caramelized sweetness, complementing the earthy, mellowed beets for a perfect harmony of flavors. 

Roasted Lamb Rump with Fennel, Beets, & Natural Jus

Serves 1


1 each Lamb rump
1 sprig Thyme, leaves only
15 ml Olive oil
½ g Pepper, ground
5 whole Fennel
1 whole Red beetroot, quartered
1 whole Golden beetroot, quartered
1 whole Candy beetroot, quartered
1 whole White beetroot, quartered
10 ml Lamb jus
Salt & pepper, to taste


  1. Clean up the lamb, then toss with Thyme, ground pepper and olive oil. Place one into a small vac pac bag and seal tight. Place into water bath at 43℃ and cook for 2 – 3 hours. Place in blast chiller and set aside.
  2. Cook all the beetroot in separate pots with water and salt. When the skins can be removed by hand the beetroot is cooked. Place into blast chiller and cool. When the beets have cooled, rub the skins off with your hands, being carful not to damage the beetroot. Next quarter the big ones and half the smaller ones. Place into a container and place label and date on it.
  3. Cut the fennel into 8 wedges. Place 2 pieces into a small vac pac bag and seal tight. Place the seed bags into a steamer at 100℃ and steam for 10 minutes. Place into blast chiller. With the other fennel, chop into small pieces and place into a pot with butter, a little bit of water and enough salt to taste. Place on the heat and cover with a cartoushe. When soft, blend in a blender until smooth. Pass through fine chinois, check seasoning and place in blast chiller with label and date.
  4. Pan sear the lamb rump until golden and place in the oven for 5 – 8 minutes. Place 2 of each beetroot into separate pots with water and butter, and place on the heat to heat
    through. With a small pot place two spoons of fennel purée and reheat. Heat a pan to medium heat and sear the fennel wedges until golden.
  5. To plate the dish, place fennel purée just above the center of the plate in a rectangle shape. Slice the lamb into 7 slices and place the 2 ends on top of the purée. Place the remaining 5 slices on top of the other two. Next drain the beetroot on a cloth and arrange in front of the lamb, along with the fennel wedges. Spoon on the sauce and garnish with micro cress.

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